Hello Everyone!!!
Alright here is your song for today’s email: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5-yKhDd64s
It is definitely Marathon season. I logged my first 20 mile run today and yes I do not miss that feeling. I remember when I would go on 20 mile runs with Bridgette for shits and giggles. But today’s hurt. That is number 1 of 4 down.
Today I ran in my first “race” since Disney and it went OK. Last weekend I ran the Cherry Tree 10 miler in Brooklyn’s beloved Prospect Park. Today I found myself in Norwalk, Ct competing in the Silvermine 25k. The race is only 15 miles but a tacked on the extra miles before and after to make it an even 20 for the day.
I don’t think I have ever found a course hard. Now I have done the Silvermine 25k in past years. But holy shit this is the hardest course I have ever done. The course starts off with 9 miles straight up hill. The hills are like Boston’s Newton hills but in Boston there are only 4 of them and then a decline. In Norwalk there are like 20 of them and definitely no negative elevation. After the first 9 the next 3 miles are rolling hills and then the last few miles are brief descends and straight aways. I finished well, 38th out of who knows and I was able to hold a sold 7 minute mile pace. Barbara and I were shooting for marathon pace of 6:40 miles but this course was friggen hard. I am not discouraged, just more hungry and driven.
So the knee is all healed, no more Pirate ships for awhile. ;) I am battling a right arch issue. I have a shooting pain that starts in my arch and then wraps around my ankle to the top of my foot. I picked up some arch supports today so I will see how they feel this week as I prepare for another 20 mile run next weekend.
I have finally been able to get onto a track. The track outside the Stadium is cleared and Barbara has started to give me track workouts. Damn they are hard; 800 and 1600 meter repeats (half mile and mile). For the next 8 weeks Barbara has full control of my running schedule. So now the “training” starts.
I am excited that these will be last marathons I will be training for in the Northeast. This Winter has been tough. I have been getting into Central Park 2-3 mornings a week at around 6/6:30am. Last Tuesday it was so cold that my water bottle seriously froze in my hand. I believe it was 19 degrees and with the wind chill, a warming 6 degrees out.
My body is withering away. I can see it in the mirror. As much as Dri says it is not, I can see it. I had Sal of Sal’s Pro do measurements back in November, I may have him do another set soon and then right before and after each of the next few marathons which are coming back to back. No more six pack, my shoulders seem narrower and my arms are shrinking to pee shooters. I don’t remember the last time I “worked out” I am probably as week as I look. L
Thank you for those who have donated to http://www.johnnymarathon.com/ so far. I was finally able to get my fundraising kits out in the mail tonight so expect to see that manila envelope in your mailbox soon! If you already donated and receive one, just donate more!! I can’ preach enough the importance and need of your donation for Dana Farber. Your money is truly going to save lives. How does that sound? Pretty cool if you ask me. Together I know we can reach my goal of $8,000 this year.
Some of your past donations have gone to opening up the Yawkey Center at Dana Faber. To learn more about the Yawkey Center please click here: http://www.dana-farber.org/abo/yawkey-center-for-cancer-care/new-face/
Well friends, time to shut down. Today’s run has taken its toll and tomorrow is a new day and a new week.
Once again, Thank You every one as we battle Mission Possible: A World Without Cancer!!!
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