WOW..T-Minus 14 Weeks!!! This is going to go by so quickly! Believe it or not I am already 14 weeks into my training program for Boston but now is when the “real” training begins.
So what has JohnnyMarathon been up to? Well I managed to get through the winter injury free, for the most part that is. Once I get these stitches out of my knee I am heading right to the track for my first track workout. On the running scene I have been maintaining solid 30 miles per week base. Not much but I have been doing some amazing things only running 30 miles a week. Where to start with my amazing-ness?
November 25th Prospect Park 5 Mile Turkey Trot: 30:37, 6:05 minutes/mile; 34th overall of 1,993
December 5th NYRR Joe Kleinerman 10K (6.2m): 38:06, 6:07 minutes/mile; 120th overall of 4,648
December 19th NYRR Ted Corbitt 15K (9.3m): 58:13, 6:14 minutes/mile, 59th overall of 3,541
January 8th Walt Disney World Half Marathon (13.1m): 1:22:18, 6:16 minutes/mile, 55th overall of 21,980
*All Personal Records (PRs)
Wicked FAST!!!! I have never been faster and I am running real fast, I can picture that clock now On April 18th…2:5?:??
The 2011 JohnnyMarathon Campaign is officially kicked off!!! Big year this year and I am counting on all of you to help Dana Farber and me along the way. Since the challenges started on day 1, with not getting into the Marathon, I made an enormous commitment to Dana Farber that I am sure we can all accomplish together. Together we will be raising $8,000 toward the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Please if you are waiting for a donation kit in the mail it may be some time. So please everyone do not wait…please donate online at: http://www.johnnymarathon.comi/ will get the kits out soon so don’t worry about missing the beautiful full size color portrait of myself in all of my Greek God-ness which will be on display on your fridge until next year. I have seen them there so don’t pretend you are not excited about that manila envelope to come in the mail!!
So what can I say about Dana Farber that you haven’t heard already?
- consistently rated by U.S. News & World Report as the best cancer hospital in New England and the 5th best in the nation
- a pioneer in the development of cancer treatments used around the world
- A principal teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School.
- One of the top recipients, among independent hospitals, of grant finding from the National Cancer Institute and National Institutes of Health
- A founding member of the Center for AIDS Research at Harvard University and one of the 20 federally designated Centers for AIDS research
- Home of the Jimmy Fund
o Been integral to the success of treatments for once-incurable childhood cancers. Today, cure rates for childhood cancers have surpassed 75%, and are over 90% for some forms of the disease.
Enough with all the stats, I get it. Why should YOU donate money to Dana Farber and me? Its pretty simple, sad but simple. We will al be affected by cancer at some points of our very short-lived lives. So when those of us are affected our loved ones will have the greatest and best chance of survival.
Mission Possible: A World Without Cancer!
Oh and you get sweet emails like this one from me. As many of you know I have been working with Dana Farber for now 4 years. I truly believe in our campaign and I would not have the balls to email you all and ask for money if I didn’t. You know who I am; you know how serious my running is, so put the two together and realize how much I need your help!!!
So a little more fun stuff…. you will receive these emails often, maybe every 2 weeks or so. The emails will keep you updated on some fun stuff going on with JohnnyMarathon and my team mates, my training regimen, and as it gets close to the dance, I will share with you how much of a mental game running a marathon really is, no matter how many times you have done it or how hard you have trained. You will see my Love of running and willingness to listen to Barbara grow to hatred and making excuses to not run. It such a Love/Hate relationship.
If you don’t donate I will continue to hound you and maybe even a personal phone call or visit is in your future. When you see links posted, click on them, they are usually music to go along with the tone of the email. I will not go into to much detail about the life of John Markiewicz but I will lead this fight and journey as JohnnyMarathon. One thing about JM going into the “real” training for this years Boston Marathon is that I have two weapons that I have never had before: Love in my life and the belief in myself. Now, that’s not to say I am not scared to shit what the next 14 weeks and those few hours on April 18th are going to bring, because I am. But I am confident that breaking 3hours this year is not just a thought but simply an assignment on our way to raising $8,000.
I share this video every year, please click and watch:
Shed a tear? Maybe felt your heart beat a little faster? Well my job is to not let these kids live in pain and to prevent them from having to ever shed a tear again.
So who is going to be first?
Oh and ask your employer if they do company matching for charitable donations. Many do, just ask your HR department.
Well time for me to get this knee better and do my part.
Thank You!
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