Thank you so much to those who are part of my 2010 Boston Marathon
Support Group! We have exceeded my half way mark in my fund raising,
close to $4000!!! All of your donations have been EXTREMELY generous.
For the rest of you, the vast majority....there is no donation that is
to small. I am asking you to support Dana Farbers' Mission Possible:
A World Without Cancer. Man are you going to be pissed if a loved one
is diagnosed with cancer and there wasn't enough funding to do
research to care and treat that loved one...but only if you supported
All donations are welcomed!!!
So on that note, if you make a donation of $100 or more you will
receive an "In honor of or In Memory of" ribbon which will be pined
onto my race day singlet, traditionally on the back.
If you make a donation of $250 or more I will screen print your name,
company logo, or message on my race day singlet. Many of my
"sponsorship" areas are getting filled. So please get your donations
in ASAP!!!
5 weeks, almost able to start counting down the days. This time last
September I was dreading each and every day I had to get out and I am sad that I am running out of time, the end is near and
for this marathon, the end means a break. It is starting to dawn on
me what this marathon will actually mean in terms of a break. In a
mere 5 weeks my marathon running will cease to exist for a year if not
longer. My Love will be gone again and I will have to shut it out
like all loves once they cease to exist. I have found my "release"
again. I have been able to get my "long" runs up to 12 and 16 miles
comfortably. Hopefully this weekend I will push 18 and then next
weekend go for 21. Completing my 16 miler last weekend felt like an
elephant off my back!! I was so stoked to get the 16 in pain free and
with a fairly good pace. My late nights of running have returned; not
hitting the running path until 10/11pm at night, but that's
JohnnyMarathon, that's when JohnnyMarathon runs. I am concerned that
the road back to my Boston Qualifier condition is going to be
extremely challenging. I am concerned that no 1 doctor has been able
to give me a strait answer of what is wrong with my leg. The
There haven't been races this Winter, I had to pull out of 4 of them?
during this injury. The knee still hurts; there is no lying there.
For John Markiewicz every day routines are becoming more challenging.
Getting in and our of my car is painful, going up stairs, lifting
objects. Any position which puts my left knee in a stressful or
twisting situation is painful. I find myself using the elevator at
work and at my apartment, when I used to run up stairs. I am looking
forward to early May after my last race after Boston; it will be time
to shut down the machine. All Greek Gods have a shelf life, but they
live on forever. In this case, there will be a comeback, and scary
enough its going to put my memories and emotions of Chicago into the
minor leagues.
Gathering some research regarding Dana Farber, I wanted to share with
those who have donated, where your donations are going. And for those
of you who have yet to donate, where your donations will go. Some
Dana Farber milestones for 2009 (and Bridgette you can't argue me on
- Led the largest ever genomic study of lung cancer, identifying 26
frequently mutated genes that serve as potential new drug targets
- Trials of PARP inhibitors, a new class of drugs to focus on the
genetic changes that make breast and ovarian cancer so deadly, and
leaves normal cells unscathed
- Developed a new "six-gene" diagnostic test for prostate cancer,
when combined with a traditional PSA test, is more accurate and helps
eliminate false-positive result
- Identified a set of proteins in "triple-negative breast cancer", a
very aggressive form of the disease, which indicated which patients
are at the greatest risk for rapid relapse and , as a result, may
benefit from additional therapy
- Revealed that the regular use of aspirin following a colorectal
cancer diagnosis may reduce the risk of cancer death for certain
- Discovered that combining two treatments approaches- stem cell and
vaccine therapy, is effective for patients with aggressive acute
myeloid leukemia (AML)
And there is more....
- Introduced New England's first core blood donation program to
preserve umbilical cord blood containing stem cells that can be
matched to patients in need of bone marrow transplant
- One of only three stem cell transplant programs nationwide to
consistently outperform the expected one-year survival rate for
unrelated donor stem cell transplant
And last but not least...
- Ranked Number #1, that's 1 as in not number 2, or anyone ahead of
us...Number #1 cancer hospital in New England by US News & World
Report for the 9th consecutive year
- Included twice in the prestigious Science magazine list of "Top 10
Scientific Discoveries of 2008," first for having found the molecular
switch that controls brown fat, and a second for having identified an
array of genes implicated in brain cancer
WOWZA, if you cant find a reason to donate for something listed above
there you are a fool. I am sure you can relate a love one to one of
those break through. On that note, thank you all who has donated!!!
This video is of actress Valerie Bertinelli on Regis and Kelly;
Valerie is part of our DFMC 2010 team:
Oh, one more thing...."4628" That's my bib number...that's out of
around 25,000. One of my greatest accomplishments in my life was to
earn the opportunity to start the Chicago Marathon on the front
line....the front line! For many of my races in 2009, I earned the
opportunity to start with the best for a reason. Looks like in
Boston, if I chose to brave that decision, I will have the opportunity
to start up front again. 4628....I believe my last 2 bibs in Boston
were in the 22,000's
Thank You for all your support....
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