WOW…THANK YOU all for an amazing week of fundraising and support. I received so many donations this past week both online and via mail; thank you all so very much. I believe that we are about $2300 away from my goal for this year.
Many of my emails go on about my training and a little about Dana Farber; so since I don’t have a lot to talk about my training I figured I would flip that.
Being part of DFMC (Dana Farber Marathon Challenge) I have some awesome teammates which are truly some amazing friends. But I do not share what many of them have. I have yet to lose a truly loved one to the battle of cancer. So many of my teammates write about their lost mother or uncle or sister and their own personal battles dealing with cancer. For them this Mission brings on an entirely different meaning. But together we are all serving the same purpose. I want to know that when I need to face the reality that a loved one is battling cancer, that they would have the best chance of survival. By me running these marathons for Dana Farber, I know that I am contributing to our Mission: A World Without Cancer. I know that I am creating awareness and supporting a Mission in which I made a Promise to. Wouldn’t you want the same for your loved ones? The horrible truth is that we will all have to battle cancer on the home front; we don’t have a choice, it is statistically proven. And when that time comes I want to know, that who ever it is, they will have the best resources to battle and to survive.
This is why I run for Dana Farber. This is why I have run for Dana Farber for 4 years. This is how I use my blessed gift of running wicked fast. This is why I plan on running the Boston Marathon for many years to come, but only with Dana Farber.
I remember 5 years ago when I first applied to Dana Farber. I knew of them, I heard of them, they accepted me to their team, what the heck right. Sadly enough 5 years ago I fought my own battle after my motorcycle accident. I remember the struggle and challenges clearly. Both God and Dana Farber gave me a second chance. Dana Farber accepted me again in 2008 and God helped me to realize what I am truly great at. And he granted me the ability to take advantage of this gift. And it is not selling. I never thought I would be here again year after year asking for your support and nerveless continuously raising my fundraising goal. But I am. And I am grateful that you all keep giving and giving.
I remember I sat down with a past client of mine to discuss my career and transition. This particular client donates a very generous amount each year. At the end of our meeting he commented on how was looking forward to receiving his donation kit once again. But it wasn’t just a comment, it was something he looked forward to every year. And I know he is reading right now. Awesome! I have another client (clients referring to my training clients) who has discovered the last two years that for $250 I will screen-print your name or company logo on my top. Knowing his family very well I asked if he wanted the family name and he graciously declined and just demanded his. Hahaha and now this year we are dawning his new company logo. So it is not just I who truly looks forward to this journey but also my supports like you who really make this happen.
I know that I am going to break 3hours, that’s the easy part, but I really need your help to break $8,000.
Well my training is wrapped up. I have been tapering, or at least trying to. I can honestly say I am exhausted. Many of my runs are cut short or cut all together just because of lack of energy. Last weekend I headed into Central Park for a much-anticipated 10-mile tempo run and called it a day after 2. The body is just done. I did complete the miserable track workout, which I was not expecting. Last Thursday night, after Opening Day, in the freezing sleet I made my way to a track. My assignment was 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down with 6 X1600 (1 mile) sprints at a 5:40 pace. Shit, this was going to suck. I cruised the first two at a pathetically slow 5:52 pace. Such crap; no one is running anything decent putting up 5:52 as speed works. And then Barbara showed up; crap. Lets just say the next four miles came in at 5:38, 5:43, 5:44, and 5:41. Without her there I would have dogged all 6 miles. But that was it; training is done.
This Friday I am scheduled for another massage and I am going to try to get one in before I head up to Boston on Sunday the 17th. The day’s prior are turning out to be a bit hectic with an unexpected overnight trip to Dallas next Thursday.
I know there is a ton that I want to share and that I am missing out. SHIT I am running a marathon in 12 days! My life will change in 12 days! It is a little freaky. For some reason I am overly confidant that the 3-hour mark is going to be accomplished. I think I am just confident in my training. And I know that I listened and followed Barbara’s plan as best as I could. I am sure in next week’s email you will hear a completely different tune, filled with skeptic complaints. I am still digging that Ben Harper song…
If you are look to participate in the $250 sponsors screen print, I need your donation and what is to be printed by Friday night.
If you are doing the $100 ribbon in memory of/ honor ribbon, I need those by this weekend as well.
Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
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