Who knows but I am beyond exhaustion......
First off, THANK YOU to all of you have donated so far. I believe we are almost at $4000, which is my half way mark. I have been so impressed with the donations which have come in so far. For the rest of you...do you need help with the online link? Need me to pull your debit card out of your wallet? Did you not see the simple form and envelope which I mailed to you? Oh I get it....You are just foolish and naive to believe that you will not be affected by cancer. Good Luck with that one! But honestly, lets go!!! I am sure your Starbucks budget or the your last bar tab or the money for your nails can wait a week.
Please excuse the shitty type, we all know that I can't spell, Seth thank you...but I am using this tank of a lab top at my parents house. Not even sure where this Dussenberg came from.
Well these emails are to educate you on how I train and go about racing a marathon. Specifically the Boston Marathon and how I do it with the support of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute located in the city of Boston in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
By no means is this email going to be fun but I will try to make the best of it. They are simply to relay a story about our superhero JohnnyMarathon and his mission to create awareness for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute by running a ridiculously fast marathon.
So here goes......
I can not keep up with the training....
40-70 miles per week; I can't do it.
I had a networking event Thursday morning; fell asleep
I had a personal training conference this past weekend; fell asleep
I saw Spiderman on Broadway this weekend; fell asleep
I am on the subway; fall asleep
I am at my desk; fall asleep
I am driving....
I work two jobs for about 70 hours per week and I am trying to train to race the Boston Marathon and break the 3 hour mark. You ever wake up at 5:30am and say to yourself that you are late for something? I do almost every morning. I am deep into my training. I am nailing my tempo runs at 6:45/6:50 minute miles. My track workouts are right on with 2:45 800m (1/2 mile) and 5:40 1600m (1 mile). I have completed 2 of my 20+mile runs and have my third lined up for this Saturday. I do the math in my head after each temp run and I am not worried at all of my goal of breaking 3hrs. Each run is a simple assignment leading up to the final exam on April 18th. The only problem is that I have been studying for this exam since October. And I never tested well; NY State Math 3R Regents and my LSAT test...not my proudest attempts at standardized testing.
Oh and did I mention there are 2 marathons that I am running this Spring? I have already heard Barbra's reaction so I am sure your reaction can't be any worse. I will give more info on this in the weeks to come.
I have been asked if I really enjoy running....
That's a darn good question. I think I can say no but I do it because I feel that it is the only thing that I am truely really good at. Where is the fun in this? Sure I will be ecstatic as shit on April 18th but in the long run, is this fun? Yeah its fun when you crush a PR...and yeah it is fun when you do your HW and it all pays off at the finish line, and yeah its fun visiting different cities...but is this fun? I am not sure, but I am sure this is more of a treat than suffering from cancer.
So I run. I personal train clients, I go to a Stadium, I personal train clients, and I run.
I have been in contact with some of my teammates the last few weeks. I am really excited to see them; Tyler, Laurie, and Lindsay. I plan on seeing them next weekend when I head up to Boston to cover 21 miles on the course. Laurie gave me an almost tearful surprise today. The Boston Marathon has 2 waves; 1 at 10am and the other at 10:30am. Those who have a qualifying time go at 10 and charity runners go at 10:30. With the challenge to register this year and relying on Dana Farber, I wasn't sure where I would start. This is the last year my qualifying time of 3:08 from Chicago is valid. I was praying for Wave 1 just so I could get out clean and run my own race and flat out, I earned that shit. And to sound a bit arrogant, being a 3:08 runner there was no way in hell I wanted to be stuck in Wave 2 when I am clearly faster than many in Wave 1. Imagine the anxiety of having to wait a half hour to start after the race has started? Shit like marathon jitters aren't bad enough. Well I am in Wave 1 wearing a Red bib with the soon to be historic number 3978....the numbers do stand for Wicked Fast! That is top 4,000 out of around 30,000. Wow..not just Wave 1 but my number is in the 3000!!! Oh and I forgot to mention my racing top is bad ass this year. Dana Farber did a great job designing a green top with the Boston skyline and landmarks on it...looks sweet! Pictures to come.
So physically I am beat. My right arch/ankle has gotten better. The arch supports worked liked a charm. I did tweak my lower back last weekend in a yoga class. And I have come to the realization that I am so weak and frail that I can not even do simple yoga poses for more than 90 seconds. I need my Andria. I am not sure how much I have lost size, muscle, weight wise. Hopefully this weekend I can get Sal to do measurements on me again. But I do feel like a frail leaf. A tired frail leaf. The plus side is that I am eating like a horse. I love eating; almost as much as I love sleeping. I am going to try to schedule a massage for early next week, just have to check the funds. I just can not wait to get back to working out. Once this marathon is over and before the next I am so looking forward to actually pushing and pulling some weight again.
My head is on straight, my heart is more than complete, I am just physically waisted. But do I enjoy running? I do know that I am going to enjoy receiving your donation because I know it will bring us another step closer to Mission Possible: A World Without Cancer. I enjoy fighting for what I believe in no matter the cost or pain to me. I want to inspire the uninspired. After you work your 9-5 job and you go home to whomever and you have a nice dinner and a nice home and a nice regiment life and you wake up and do it all over again...know that I am out there running in the freezing cold, more tired than you could ever imagine, after a longer day than you will ever work in your life, just so one more kid can live another day and so that you may be able to hold on to a Loved one for 1 more hour. Just know that.
Time to figure out my assignment for tomorrow
Good Night....
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