Well I am starting to write this on Saturday April 24th, who knows when I will finish and when I will send it. I decided to start this email today after being called out by one of my clients and top supporters Gary. He gave me a hard time for leaving all my JohnnyMarathon supporters in the dark about last Monday. I finally found some time to escape this concrete jungle to a somewhat quiet place and put some thoughts on paper. Of course it is about to rain so lets see how much I can get in.
When you see a YouTube link, click on it, it is what I will like to call mood music. Ignore the videos just use the links for the music. Trying a little click and read email. Lets see how it goes. Click on a link, wait for it to load and start playing to proceed with the email. Got it?Oh and pardon the type-os. I don’t care!!
Friday April 16th 2010: Rain delay, great. What else do I need when I want to get out of work early? After a delay and an eventual “called game” I made my way up north to Casa Markiewicz in Somers. Betty and Big John were fast asleep when the gazelle arrived for his last slumber in familiar grounds. I wasn’t sure what to do, wasn’t sure what time to wake up. So I woke up every hour. I was waiting for the one who claims he wakes earlier then I to come and annoyingly wake me up. 6am, nothing, 7 am nothing, 8am nothing.All right pause and enjoy the above songs.
Saturday April 17th 2010: Eventually I pulled my exhausted ass of the most uncomfortable futon to find my chauffer. Somehow Big John claims he was at the gym at 6am. Bullshit, I was awake at 6am and there wasn’t a noise in the house. Around 9:30 am Big John, Betty, and myself packed the family truckster and started on our way to the city I Love. I quickly got comfortable riding shotgun and got my DVD going. If you are a runner, an expected runner, a marathon runner, or someone who wants to understand what a marathon is, I strongly suggest you rent the movie “Spirit of the Marathon.” I believe in this movie so much that I have given it as a gift to a once friend. It is something Lindsay and I discussed last year. It is the average Joe’s guide to a marathon experience. Before we were 10 exits into Connecticut, our Greek God needed nappy time. I just remember burbling out a few directions on the Mass Pike and before I knew it I was in heaven. The Marriott Copley. The headquarters of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge.And so the drama begins….First thing to do is to register for the marathon. The Marathon expo is held at the Hynes Convention Center. Lucky for me, it is short walk through my hotel to the expo. I have my registration card and photo id. Or so I thought. John Markiewicz doesn’t always use a wallet. Depending on the week, events, going out, etc., I tend to use a money clip. Well after a fairly social week leading to the marathon, I was using a money clip. Which was sitting in my car in Westchester. So now what? I was able to get in touch with my sister; we had someone go to my parent’s house, got my keys and confirmed that my money clip was in the WRX with my license. So the id will be showing up on Sunday. The last thing I want to do on the day before the marathon is to go to the expo and register. So I take what I got and attempt to register; my NYU ID and my Yankee ID. I enter the expo and it is like entering the Magic Kingdom. If you’re not a marathon runner you have no idea. There was my table 4000-4500 or something like that. Unlike the last 2 years, I had to walk to the end for my number, now I am right there in the first few tables. The nice man at the table was a bit amused by my Yankee ID and only would except my NYU ID. He made a comment that at least I had some form of ID and able to register unlike the Europeans who were stuck in Europe because of the Volcano. What Volcano? I have no clue what this Volcano is. Not having a TV and being a workaholic has kept me out of the loop of current events. Man I have to find out what is going on with this Volcano thingy. I got my number and shortly met with my parents. We walked through the expo together and went to the infamous John Hancock Course overview area. John Hancock, the primary sponsor, sets up a bleacher viewing area and a projected screen and they play a 15-minute over view of the course. As mentioned last year, this video will fill you with more doubt then the marriage rate in the United States. The video and the commentary scare the shit out of you. At the end of the video you come away feeling that if you are less then God-like (which lucky for me I am) there is no way you are finishing this course. Next I was on this mission to find a shirt Nike had last year for the 2009 Boston Marathon. It was a t-shirt that simple said, “I qualified”. I was looking forward to getting this shirt since Chicago. Of course, they didn’t have it. So instead I got a Saucony shirt with a reference to Chowda. As Lindsay can vouch, all I eat, every meal in Boston, is New England Clam Chowda. I surprisingly ran into some of my teammates doing the same; Tyler, Mike, and Lauren.Around 3pm, I make my way back to the hotel to check in with Dana Faber. So many familiar faces from years past. And some faces were new but I know that I have been in contact with them via email. I spent some time with my teammate Laurie and her boy friend John. We spent the better part of an hour just shooting the shit. It was time to get back to the room and relax.Around 6pm Big John, Betty and I made our way to dinner. No matter where we were to go there was going to be a wait. Before indulging at Pizzeria Uno we went to the finish line and took some pictures. After returning to the hotel it was time to retire for the evening. I went down to the lobby and spoke to my great friend Bridgette via Google Chat. She was in Beijing and quickly got me caught up to date with the volcano in Europe. I returned to room #1635 and started to read the 2010 Marathon Program before falling fast asleep for Marathon Eve.
Sunday April 18th 2010:I was rudely awoken by the loudest friggen phone know to man. Of course it was my dad at like 7am waking my ass for breakfast. I was irritated at first but then I realized it was MARATHON EVE!!!! Oh and I got my favorite breakfast in eggs benedicts. So what to do today….
“as a jew, I can comfortably say…xmas eve aint got nuthin on marathon eve! See you soooon! J” Lindsay Weinstein
Liz was due in around 10amish. I went church at 8:30am and then took a short lap around the expo. Right around 10:30ish Liz was here. We got a quick nap in and then it was off the America’s most Beloved Ballpark; Fenway Paaark. (That’s my Boston accent)
The 4 of us made our way to Fenway. I knew I had nasty seats because I got them from one of my account holders in the Bronx, Bob. Bob was going to be in town because he was running the marathon as well. Betty and Big John’s tickets were at will call, set up by the Yanks. And their seats were…right behind home plate. Not too bad but Liz and I were 4 rows behind the visitor dugout. There we were, Fenway Park, RedSox baseball the sun was out, Legal Seafood Chowda, and yes my RedSox hat! It was a gorgeous day and the day was turning into a fantastic Marathon Eve! We had a rain delay but the game started not too late. One of my favorite views is I have ever seen, ever, is being in Fenway from home to third and looking over the bleachers and the Budweiser sign and having a great sight of the Boston skyline. Shortly after the first delay Bob and his friend, who is also running, showed up to our seats. We had another down pour and Bob, Bob’s friend, Liz and I went into the concourse and talked marathon. It is great to share running stories with those who have been there. Liz and I returned t our seats and enjoyed some more of the game. Not much to cheer for because the Sox were down 4-0 early. We had to leave early because of the Dana Farber Past Banquet. And I quote Liz saying “But I don’t want to leave.” Coming from a Fenway hatter. It was just such a glorious day in Boston.
Liz and arrived at the Dana Farber Banquet. Right away I look for my “In Support of Card”. To remind those of you that were not along for the ride last year, I have a mini-me, I hate to refer to him as a second brother because he is a pain in my ass. But I have known Jordan Fried for who knows, 8 years now? Jordan is a cancer survivor who was treated a Sloan Kettering at a very young age. He is now a Division 1 lacrosse player at nationally ranked Hofstra. Every year I wear his name on my singlet and I create an “In Honor Of” card, which is displayed during our dinner with thousand of other cards. Since writing this Jordan has confirmed that he will be running the 2010 NYC Marathon with Fred’s Team. Fred’s Team is an awareness team based out of Sloan Lettering. Here at the banquet many things are going on. Mainly we hear about the current research and how our fundraising dollars are at work with Dana Farber. We had a great over view and tons of assurance that what we are doing is for an AMAZING cause. Our patient partner program was recognized. The PPP links a runner with one of our patients from Dana Farber and they create a relationship as they both battle their own battles. But for the runners, our battles end after Monday. For the patients, unfortunately, their battle is far from over. Some of our runners were recognized for their years with Dana Farber and 1 runner even got recognized for almost reaching $1 million in fund raising for Dana Farber. The program is filled with tears and inspiration. It gives meaning to why we are all running the 26.2 miles tomorrow; as if we already didn’t know. At the conclusion of the evening I met with a few of my teammates to set up a meeting time for the bus tomorrow. The time was set; 6am Park Street T Stop, same place as last year.
In the room I prepare for bed. But before I do so I need to finish watching my DVD “Spirit of the Marathon”. So I head down to the lobby where I know I can get Wi-Fi and hopefully when I get back Liz will be passed out so I can turn off the blaring TV. I finish watching my movie and make my way back to the room. En route I run into one of my NYU classmates Lynn. Lynn was in town because see does PR for Adidas and they as well were staying in the same hotel. It is reassuring to see a familiar face. I am not sure what time I eventually fell asleep but it was a restful nights sleep.
Monday April 19th 2010:5:25am JohnnyMarathon is ready for business. I go through my race day check list; Shorts on, Singlet on, emergency contact on bib number, chip on Mizuno, 1 long sleeve shirt, 2nd long sleeve shirt, sweat pants, jacket, throw away gloves, yellow sleeves, body glide for chaffing, band aids for nipples, baby wipes for well what baby wipes are used for, salt pills, Gu packets, JohnnyMarathon Oakleys, iPod which I never use, hat just in case, flip flops, ibprofurin, and last but not least a bottle of water.5:40am I am out the door6:00am arrive at Park Street T-Stop with the annual crew; Lindsay, Ashley, Mike, Tyler, Jeff, and others.6:18am we're are on our way to Hopkinton. One of the worst things about this day is that you are on a bus for close to an hour, seriously I timed it, and when you get off, guess what? You have to run back. No shit, pretty insane if you think about it. Drive in one direction, on a highway by the way, for an hour, and then imagine running back to the starting point. The bus this year was a lot more lighthearted, more festive, more relaxed. And yes, against my words from last year, I was able to get a nap in on the way. Almost an hour later we arrive in Hopkinton.
Being part of Dana Farber we are lucky enough to have a “safe” house to go to prior to the marathon. There is a church right next to the start line we the 550 runners of Dana Farber get to bunker down in preparation before the marathon. There are tons of volunteers they’re getting us basic foods, supplies, and whatever else we needed. I escaped the pre marathon chaos and went for my annual job to and around the start line. I feel good. Who knows what the knee is going to bring, who knows what the body is going to do. Today is about having fun. Barbara always says to have fun. Today was a day for Dana Farber and our Mission. It was not a day for times or proving anything to anybody. My friend Tyler said as we walked from the buses to the church to thank at least 5 volunteers today, cops don’t count because they were getting paid, right away I asked why 5, make it 12.I was relaxed when I got back from my run. Before I knew it was 9:15 am and time to take our enormous group picture out front. This year was a bit more of a rush because I was going out front! There were not many of us Dana Farber runners in the first wave (10am) maybe 12-15. I left the church with Tyler. Tyler started 2 corrals in front of me I believe; I think he was in the 2000’s. We had Jeff in the 1000’s, Laurie in the 5000’s and Gordon in the 6000’s. I had teammates in front of me and behind me. I was expecting the ones from behind to catch me early.
10:00am- JohnnyMarathon starts his quest for his 3rdUnicorn and his 7th Marathon. I didn’t know what to expect. Did I have a goal for time? Sure I did. Did I tell anyone? Nope. I am a “do-er”. I only like to talk about things that I know that I can do. I wasn’t sure if I could complete either of my goals. The first was to finish under 4 hours. The 2nd goal was to have a personal course record of under 3:31. So I ran. I ran without really training or without a care. I was to make sure I stopped at every Dana Farber flag. I was to make sure that I thanked every soldier on the course. I was to make sure I slapped as many little children’s hands that I could. I was to make sure that at Mile 25 I stopped and greeted every patient partner program participant that was there. I was to make sure that I had fun!!!!
Mile 3- Just like last year, I found that one dumb ass person smoking on the course. I was sure to thank them for their continued support of smoking. As I shouted “Thank you for smoking!” I heard the runners around me laugh and with a little tap on the butt Laurie ran by me. Laurie finished the day with a PR, 3:08. I knew she wouldn’t be the last of my teammates to pass me, but I was fine with that.
Mile 5- There it is, the knee. I was wondering when I would be tested. But I wasn’t expecting it at Mile 5. So when faced with a challenge, I made the best of the situation and went on. Thank God my knee went numb fairly quickly. It wasn’t the pain I was experiencing in January/ February so I knew I wasn’t doing any damage and I knew that the pain wasn’t going to come on greater.
Mile 6- There are not to many people in my support team as dedicated as my sister Liz, well Alyson is proving to be a close #2! But I knew Liz would foolishly take the commuter rail out of Boston to the burbs to find me. And lucky for her, I saw her. There she was holding her sign, which she made for the Chicago Marathon. She gets creative and has a sign for NYC, Boston, and Chicago Marathons. I was a bit upset she didn’t have her Boston one, I really like that one. But I saw her behind a barricade and not so much on course. I went off to give her a hug. I knew that it was early enough in the race that I could stop and not risk cramping. And after all, I was here to have fun!
Cruise Control. I realized that I was running sub 8-minute miles. I was drastically confused considering the knee and lack of training. I tried to slow down to save the body but one thing Barbara has never taught me is how to slow down. I don’t know how to slow down when it comes to my running. I know only no one speed and that’s fast.
Mile 13- Wellesley College, the wall of screams. Thousands of young college ladies lined up to kiss every and any marathon runner who came their way. For the third year I chose to hang to the left of the course and avoid the chaos. But this year was different; I was here to have fun. So no, I didn’t get kissed but I lived in the moment. I read all the signs such as: I won’t tell your wife, I’m a senior, best kisser on campus and the list goes on. Another interested thing at the half way mark was my time of around 1:40. I realized I was on pace for a 3:30 ish finish. Could this be so? Could I meet both my goals?I didn’t look into this too much. As any runner knows, the half way point of Boston is not Mile 13 but Mile 21/22 after Heartbreak Bill.
I was feeling great, the GU’s were yummy, the salt was on time, the body was relaxed; I was having fun!!!!!
Mile 14ish- I deal with a condition called Hyponatremia. Pretty much, I need lots of salt during marathons. I pop a salt pill every half hour during endurance events to prevent sever cramping, which I discovered during both NYC Marathons in 2005 and 2007. Well, at Mile 14 I realized I dropped my baggy with salt pills. Oh well. I have a pretty simple motto to life; “what are you going to do about it?” Well nothing. Its not like spectators are handing out salt pills or even packets. I knew my day was soon over. With the knee and now lack of salt, the body was fatiguing and I was not even at the Newton Hills yet. It was like watching a NASCAR race with the finish coming and the lead car is low on fuel. It is just a matter of time before that car runs out and the day is over.
Mile 16ish- Dana Farber has a huge support area around this point in the race. That is where I knew my dad and mom would be. I saw Big John and Betty, blew them a kiss, and gave them a thank you motion from my heart. Once I turned the next corner the race was about to change.
Mile 17.5ish- Bottom of the first Newton Hill. Just as I needed it, there was my buddy Chip. Somehow he saw me from a distance and was sure to get my attention. Chip is a fellow runner, which I know through Eamonn, my college friend. This year Chip was just a spectator. Chip gave me the little kick of support I needed to start the hills.
Hill 1, tough but done. Cresting the short Hill 2, I am tired. I need salt.Hill 3, done but I know Heart Break is next.I was working hard. At this point I am feeling that my lack of training will be my downfall.MedicI needed salt; I knew I couldn’t get over Heartbreak without Salt. As I jogged by one of the numerous medic tents on the hills I cried for salt. They didn’t have salt but I did run away with a mouth full of potato chips. Ok, they will do. I have to rely on the chips, Gatorade, and true story..I was licking my arms for the salt from my sweat.Well I can say this. Heartbreak Hill took all I had. I was at my wall. I saw my time, I was still doing right around a sub 8 minute mile, no clue how this was possible. But I knew the pace was about to fall off.
Mile 23- its like tunnel vision. All I see is a sea of runners, straight ahead. It goes on for miles, as it seemed. Nothing but runners and no turn or break, or anything in sight. The spectators are lined both sides of the street. Screaming, chanting, at one point I even saw a barricade start to collapse because of all the people leaning over. I didn’t know what to do. I was in pain.
Mile 25- Dana Farber’s Finish Line. I have no clue who was there. I saw children, I saw balloons, I saw banners, I heard horns, and I heard my name; “Go Dana Farber!” I slapped every child’s hand. I smiled because my pain can’t compare to their pain. I was running for a Mission. And there was our Mission, right next to me, cheering me on. At least 200 yards of our Mission.I can do this. A little more then a mile to go.In the distance, I see something so familiar. It was Liz again! I saw her sign from probably 200 yards out. I was stoked. I gave her a huge wave and smile; I think there was even a fist pump in there. I couldn’t stop; I was going on my body weights momentum. No sooner did I pass Liz, the feeling that I was dreading for 25 miles remind me of how human I am. My right hamstring went. I shot off the ground. A knife went from the top on my ass right down the back of my right leg to me knee. It felt like the muscle rolled all the way up. There were spectators who heard my reaction and they knew I was in trouble. Well, being in this position before, I changed my gait to a running pattern that looks as if I just got off a horse for 6 hours. I was using whatever muscles I had left which at this point were just my groin muscles.The last little downhill, under the underpass and a right turn and then the famous left onto Boylston Street. Last year the finish seemed to close, this year the finish seemed to far away. Within 2 minutes it was over.
3:29:29 a personal course record, I was in tears.
The events that followed were joyous! Many of my teammates had great races. Some missed their goals by minutes. But as a team, we had each other. No matter your time or your performance, we had a reason to celebrate.Annual dinner at Todd English’s King Fish Hall with my routine clam chowda. Liz and I met my teammates for a night of drinking and foolish dancing. I like to see what you got after running 26.2 miles.
The weekend was over. No regrets this year. Only stories of victory and celebration. I was doing so many calculations in my head. So 3:29, minus the 4 minutes for the bathroom stop, the 4 minutes for lack of salt, the 2 minutes for all the hand slaps; that’s a 3:19, only 8 minutes off a qualifying time. And I didn’t even train. I am starting to understand the level of talent that I do have.
I have a gift. A gift that Barbara has allowed me to enjoy. A gift that I am still learning how to handle and what I can do with it. There was one more obstacle in front on me.My knee. Wednesday morning April 21, Next Generation MRI in Great Neck, 7am MRI. I was hurting. My muscles were bruised, but it is regardless of what the Dana Farber patients are faced with every day.
It has been about 3 weeks since this amazing event and I still feel all the emotions. My fund raising is continuing and I am still off my goal of $6000. Last time I checked I was around maybe $4700?Again I will call on all of you. I will ask you all to “run” YOUR Boston Marathon. Go out and do something that is selfish-less. Do something that you will never directly feel or see the outcome of. If making a donation to Dana Farber is that path, thank you.In life I, John Markiewicz, am here for 2 reasons. To make you smile and to inspire the uninspired. I write with horrible grammar and punctuation to try to relay to you my passion; a story which the outcome isn’t the obvious. Sure I ran a marathon, but my Mission is to help cure cancer. I have every right to consider myself a Hero. I would love to have one of you try this cape on. It’s pretty amazing.
So what is next for our Greek God Hero JohnnyMarathon? Well, I have already crossed yet another finish line. This past Sunday I competed in the famous Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. The Escape is a very unique and nearly impossible race to get into. But me being me, I got in. I swam the 1.5 miles from Alcatraz to the Marina Greens. I biked 18 miles on some of the nastiest hills of San Francisco and ran 8 miles through some of the most gorgeous trails and beaches this city has to offer. I had an amazing support group in my dad and Alyson. This event was the most amazing event I have ever been a part of and I can thank Alyson and my dad for aiding in that.After time off this Spring and Summer I will be competing in the NYC Triathlon July 18th. And I will be doing my first Half Ironman this Fall. The Croton Toughman on September 12thin Croton NY. After that, I am looking into another Half Ironman in Phuket Thailand in December.
As for John Markiewicz….I type this line with my famous smirk that starts at the left side of my lip and slowly emerges to the right side showing my gorgeous smile. I am in San Francisco and I know I am once piece of the puzzle closer to completing it.
As developments on JohnnyMarathon the brand are created I will keep you all updated and once I have photos I will email you all a snapfish link.
Thank You for being a part of this amazing journey!JohnnyMarathon

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