1. Races: So I am not one to plan out my race calendar at the beginning of the year. I usually have an idea of one big race I would like to do, or big distance (at this time last year, I knew I wanted to do a marathon, but had no idea which one). Even though I hadn't planned any type of formal race schedule for 2012, I did go into the year knowing I was running 2 specific events, which I had signed up for back in December. But in true go big or go home fashion, I have somehow signed on to run quite a few races in the next couple of weeks!
February 5th: Super 5-miler, Cambridge, MA
February 11th: Run to honor Sherry - virtual (will be running the last 10 - 12 miles of the Boston Marathon route)
February 26th: Hyannis Half Marathon (this will be my longest distance since the marathon...eek!) Hyannis, MA
February 29th: Leapyear Race (2.9 Miles) - virtual race put on by Life as a Running Mom
March 18th: South Boston St. Patty's Day 5k, South Boston, MA
And if that wasn't enough excitement for the next couple of weeks, I am also going to be running the Colorado Ragnar Relay with a group of fabulous bloggers (more info to come!!)
2. Runs: So I am still loving my Tuesday night run/dinner/TV dates with J and Emma, but I have started doing something else for my weekday runs that is becoming another favorite past-time....running on the bike path at lunchtime!
If you have been reading for a while, I have alluded to the fact that I get very uncomfortable leaving the office during the day, even though it is my lunch "break". However, the more and more I spend lunchtime exercising (I was keeping up Thursday afternoon spin classes for a while), the less and less I feel guilty!
Today I got in 6 miles in just over 48 minutes, a run that felt so comfortable and fluid - no stiff legs, no worry that I was going to be late for something, and best of all, no pain - in my knee or achilles or hip (ok my hip is a little sore now...but it held up the whole run!). I was smiling so wide, the walkers on the trail must have thought I was high or something. I was just so happy to be out there, in the perfect weather (overcast and 40) and having such a great run! I even discovered a fun little amenity of my running jacket that I had never realized before! I thought the sleeves only had thumb holes, which were nice enough - but today (after getting jealous of Emma's on Tuesday night) I discovered that the thumbholes can fold over into little mittens!! This would have come in handy for many much cooler runs, but I am so happy I know about it now :)

3. Accomplishments: Last night I went to Forrest Yoga and it was an intense session of breathing through the core and pelvis, concentrating of form in the belly and lower back, and using your breath and legs (specifically hamstrings) to power your moves and inversions (moves lifting into the air). With all of the loosening up and concentration on form and breath - I was able to finally get up into one of the inversions I have struggled with for months!! What I cannot find in yogi language, but what I am referring to as flying crow pose (Eka Pada Galavasana?)
My was no where near this pretty...yet (source) |
I was so elated when I got both feet/legs off the ground - I couldn't stop smiling the whole class! It was a good night :)
Well, I am off to get ready for make-your-own-pizza night with a bunch of friends...I am in charge of the BBQ pizzas :) Yummmm!
---------------------------------------------------------------------Do you do yoga? What is your dream pose?
I would love to be able to push from crow into a handstand and have the power to stay still in handstand and do variations with my legs, without falling - I used to have handstands down solid when I was younger (thank you 12 years of gymnastics), but now I can barely jump up into one for even a second!
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
I honestly like a lot of flavor, but my all time favorite topping is caramelized onions - good on almost any type of pizza made (making some for my BBQ pizzas tonight :) ).
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