Tonight I get to relive my childhood Chuck-E-Cheese obsession (I had one or two parties there...NBG), adult-style. A bunch of us will be trekking down to Rhode Island in a Coach sized travel bus, with some road sodas, an over-enthusiastic and excited group of 20-something year olds, and a beaming birthday boy to get our party on at Dave & Buster's. Yes, we will be party-busing to an adult's play-land to drunkenly play skee-ball (thank goodness I am a righty, as this wrist brace would hinder some strategic rolls), dance dance revolution (DDR), and eating a lot of not so healthy food (pizza, chicken fingers, beer)
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I seriously spent 15 minutes this morning strategizing my outfit and shoe choice for optimal gameage (yes, I googled D&B's to see what other people wear there - BTW the pics were from like the late-90's, update your shizz - a girl needs some guidance sometimes!).
But I digress...the point of this post was to talk about building...building out my mileage again :) The other reason this Friday morning was so sweet, was that I graduated from the sports chiropractor and was given the green light to start building back my mileage :) I have been back up around 20 or so miles a week (give or take), and if I get my long run done this weekend (10-12 miles), I will be around 24 Mon-Sun miles. I am really excited to get going on building up around 30 miles/wk, as that is a comfortable # of miles for me, especially as the warmer weather starts to get back here (although 45 - 50 degrees isn't too shabby today - too bad I have a rest day again...)
I wrote a lot about base building and safely building mileage when I was starting out my marathon training, but I just wanted to revisit the major benefit of building your mileage smartly.
- By building mileage at about 10% per week, you are building the strength and foundation so that your body is less likely to quickly break down and lead to injury early on in the training cycle.
Active has a great article on it HERE. Essentially there are three phases of training for athletes: base building, peak and recovery. Translated into runner's training, this means building out a solid base of weekly miles, prior to diving into longer, speedier, harder miles. Some tempo runs are fine, but depending on your fitness level, you probably want to dedicate 10-12 weeks prior to your peak training and peak race to building that foundation out. Perform at Peak and take enough recovery time to replenish the muscles (and your mind) - I have read it is smart to take 1 day per mile raced.
I will be hitting around 12 miles this weekend for the first time since my marathon, back in October. I took a lot of time off due to lack of interest post-race, and lingering ITB and achilles injuries. I have been thoughtfully building my weekly miles up since around mid/end December, and am finally getting close to my goal of around 30 miles/week. For me, I know that is a good base for weekly mileage, and I usually throw in either a tempo or hilly workout once or twice a week to keep my legs and mind motivated. After this weekend, I have a fall-back week and then I should be rested up and pain-free leading into the Hyannis Half Marathon February 26th.
The main goal is to have fun and finish pain-free. This race will be challenge, as I haven't done any distance races since October, and I have not been doing as much speed or mileage as usual by this time before a bigger race. It also falls 2 days after my 25th birthday, which I will be hydration will be key that week leading up to and the day before the race. The fun part is an obvious, as I am not going for a PR, and I will be running it with a few of my Luna Chix ladies. We are helping with registration Sunday morning and then a couple of us will be running the race as well - so if you are running or watching, please stop by and say hello!
I also want to mention that the 10-12 miles I run tomorrow are in honor of and dedicated to the memory and family of Sherry Arnold - as a part of the Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold. Sherry was taken from this earth far too soon and in a truly heinous fashion, as she was kidnapped and killed during a run around her own neighborhood in Sidney, Montana - she had only made it a mile from her house when she was abducted, and although the two men who are responsible are in custody, her body has yet to be found.

Are you good about building up a base, or do you just jump right into training?
I used to just jump into training, or even races, but after plantar fascitis and ITB syndrome...I have smartened up a little :)
Will you be running for Sherry tomorrow? Anyone in the Boston area want to meet up, perhaps around the Esplanade?
What is your #1 running safety tip?
Always let someone know where you are running and when...I always let Tripp or one of my roommates know that I am going for a run and I wear my 1BandID at all times.
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