- Question:-Miranda Kerr...?
Do you think Miranda Kerr was cool when she was a teenager?
Answer:-maybe who knows?sometimes some celebs turned out to be dorky-jessica alba says she was a loner in high school-so anything is possible.
she has beautiful eyes, though, that miranda kerr. - Question:-does anybody know where i can find good pictures of miranda kerr?
i just want good pictures of miranda kerr, ya thats about it, so please please, help!
Answer:-Here are is a link to her homepage. There are 10 picture galleries to view plus 5 big scans. A nice variety of Miranda pics. Check out the other model pages too.
http://supermodels.nl/mirandakerr/ - Question:-Do you think the model miranda kerr could play the role of a innocent/shy vampire in a movie?
Do you think the Victoria Secret Model Miranda Kerr could play the role of a innocent/shy vampire in a movie? I know she isn't a actress but based on her looks do you think she could play the role of a innocent/shy vampire?
Answer:-Miranda Kerr is one of the most attractive women I've ever seen. So no, and no one should be playing the role of any vampire. - Question:-How can I get a date with Miranda Kerr?
How can I get a date with Miranda Kerr? What do I have to do to get her attention?
Answer:-She's already got a boyfriend, I think.
The lucky girl is dating Orlando Bloom. - Question:-What is the brand of Miranda Kerr's pink sweater dress?
Does anyone know the brand of or where I can get the pink sweater dress that Miranda Kerr wore to the Victoria's Secret Heavenly Kisses perfume promotion party? I tried, but can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks!
Answer:-this isn't going to be any help but i would love to no as well.
it was a great dress shpulleded it of really well. - Question:-What can I do to be more like Miranda Kerr?
Miranda Kerr is my favorite Victoria's Secret model. I have watched videos of her and I think she is smart, and really pretty. I want to be more like her. What can I do?
Answer:-You can be yourself and hope that's good enough. - Question:-MJ Fans Would Michael Jackson and the model Miranda Kerr have been good friends if they would have met?
(If Michael Jackson was still alive of course) Based on their personalities do you think Michael Jackson and the Victoria Secret model Miranda Kerr would have been good friends? Like if they would have met each other. Please be serious and answer with detail. To me Michael came off as a sweet and loving person and so does Miranda what do you think?
Answer:-Her publicist is very cautious of whom she is seen with,
also, she tends to keep a quiet life.
With the big Pacific Ocean divide...
No. - Question:-Could the model Miranda Kerr play the role of the Goddess Psyche?
Do you think Miranda Kerr has the look to play Psyche the goddess of the soul?
Answer:-yes i guess
if she could act - Question:-how much does miranda kerr from victorias secret weigh?
its weird b/c in general vs models look average and curvy, but are said to be like 120 lb, they just dont look dat way to me....especially like alessandria abrosio. so how much DO they weigh? on average? and what about miranda kerr?
err ok wt_?
Answer:-doesn't matter. She looks healthy to me. - Question:-miranda kerr?
does anyone else absolutley idolise her!!?
i think shes amazing :)
Answer:-i idolise her,,shes my role model;)shes so cuteee
this is my fave pic of her-
30 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba
miranda kerr
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neil diamond
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- Question:-Neil Diamond?
I need a free download of say maybe by neil diamond.Can somebody please help?
Answer:-go to: -
www.esnips.com - Question:-What was the Neil Diamond song he performed in Saving Silverman movie?
Neil Diamond and the rest of the cast in the movie Saving Silverman were on a concert stage and sang a song together.
Can anyone tell me the name of that song?
Thanks for any and all help.
Answer:-holly holy - Question:-Is it true that singer Neil Diamond has disowned Dustin Diamond?
Former child star Dustin Diamond is the biological son of popular singer Neil Diamond, although they've apparently had a falling out. I heard that Neil has cut Dustin out of his will because he thinks that Dustin is a terrible actor, extremely ugly, and an overall embarrassment to the Diamond name. Can anyone confirm these details or provide additional details?
Answer:-Neil Diamond is a successful singer and is ashamed that his son Dustin turned out to be such a loser and douche. The guy above is correct that Neil has other sons Jesse and Micah. However, Dustin pushed Neil's buttons so much that Dustin has been the only son that he's actually disowned (so far).
I think that Neil was ready to make up with Dustin in the early 1990s but was so enraged when Dustin started acting in Saved By The Bell: The New Class that he completely wrote Dustin out of his will. He must have thought that Dustin totally sucked on that show. - Question:-Who sings the song touching you, touching me i know its not neil diamond who sings the newer version its in?
Taylor Swifts video she made when she went to Londen for the first time. The Neil Diamond one is deff not the one.
Answer:-i believe in a thing called love - the darkness - Question:-Why Neil Diamond at the Billboard Awards?
Neil Diamond is quite old now, and it's very doubtful that many of the young age group that filled that audience even knew who he was. Look at who were up for the awards, Ke$ha, Beiber, Rhianna, Brittany Spears etc. All of them young enough to be Neil's great grandchildren. And the kids in the audience were mostly probably in the same age group according to all the kiddie screams. It's like that award show is for the teenyboppers. Now I could see Neil Diamond on the Grammy award. That award show awards more older refined singers.
Answer:-Like Lady oh said, he was receiving the ICON Award and maybe Billboard wanted to remind listeners what music sounds like without having high tech effects to be able to sound good ! - Question:-neil diamond?
is it just me or do you find it REALLY creepy how he wrote "sweet caroline" about caroline kennedy.......when she was like 11!!!!
Answer:-You're taking it out of context. It's actually a sweet song. - Question:-Can you write a funny story with these Neil Diamond songs?
1) Love on the rocks.
2) You're so sweet horseflies keep hangin' 'round your face.
3) I'll come running.
4) Red, red wine.
5) Don't turn around.
6) You'll never be anything but mine.
7) Can anybody hear me?
Special consideration for additional Neil Diamond songs.
He's got a gazillion of them!
GRRR!!! Can't decide!!
Answer:-"Hey buddy, gimme a love onthe rocks, will ya?"
I turned around to see a dirty old man with coal dust on his clothes and trail dust in his beard.
The bartender kept cleaning the glass he was holding and snarled, "Yeah, I'll come running if you show me some cash, Pete."
Apparently this guy had been here before. I sipped my red, red wine and regarded this newcomer. Suddenly he looked my way and I tried to avoid his eye, but he said, No, don't turn around. I can see you're wondering about me. If you'll spot me a drink or two, I'll tell you the story of my Sweet Caroline."
Well, I'm a sucker for a good story, so I agreed.
Seems this guy had a lot of trouble with the ladies--had a good heart, but his mouth kept tripping him up. The story of Caroline started on a September morn. She stepped off the train and walked away with his heart back in 1859. That was the year the flies were so bad, so of course the flies were following everyone around. Well, he thought many more followed Caroline than anyone else, so his best opening line was, "Baby, you're so sweet horseflies keep hangin' round your face."
That earned him a slap in the face, but he kept trying--complimenting her manure brown hair, her blister-red lips, her coyote eyes...I could see where this was headed.
He finally got so desperate that he dropped the compliments and simply said, "Oh, baby, you'll never be anything but mine!"
Sweet Caroline turned on him and landed a fist in his belly, saying, "There, ya creep! That'll turn on yer heartlight!"
That's where the bartender entered the story. He had seen the whole thing and took pity on old Pete, offering him a drink or two to ease the pain.
Turns out what Pete lacked in the romance department, he made up for in the mooching department. In a night's time, he drank the bartender right out of his establishment, the Longfellow Serenade, and never paid him a dime.
After telling me this, old Pete stood up and staggered quickly out of the bar. "Hey!" I said, "What about Caroline? Why are you so dirty? Why does the bartender allow you in here when you don;t pay your tab?"
Old Pete just cackled and said, "I guess I didn't tell you, I'm not much of a story teller either!"
As I sat staring open-mouthed after this freeloader, the bartender laid down a bill in front of me---$42! Well, I guess the old geezer's other talent is guzzling the booze....
Well, maybe I'll go try to find Sweet Caroline.... - Question:-Does anyone want two tickets to see Neil Diamond at Fenway on August 23rd?
I had bought two tickets to see Neil Diamond but I will be out of state on that day. If you would like them please email me and we can negotiate a price.
Answer:-yeah! gimmie! - Question:-What do you think of Neil Diamond?
Im 39 years old and I grew up listening to my Fathers albums of Neil Diamond. I took my father to a Neil Diamond concert last night, and I will say it was the best performance I have ever seen. He played all the great hits, and while I watched him I realized... it's not his distinctive voice that makes him great. It's that he writes all of his music and when you listen you can't help but hear how he has influenced Music of the 60's 70's. He is really a great songwriter.
Answer:-when I was kid my step-father was really into him and I am just a few years younger than you are and we watched the Jazz Singer together it my first time seeing the movie and I loved the movie I thought it was a great story and very inspirational, its been a long time since I have heard any of that but I remember the song "Hello" like it was yesterday good song and yeah hes a good song writer - Question:-Is Neil Diamond's London Electric Prom's performance going to be broadcast on TV?
I can see that Elton John's show from Friday will be shown on the Saturday on BBC2, but I cannot find any mention of Neil Diamond's performance on any schedule. Any help please?
Answer:-It is my understanding that Diamond's show will be broadcast live on BBC Radio 2. Then, on November 13, BBC Two television is doing A Night With Neil Diamond which will not only include highlights from the Electric Prom's show but also a documentary on his career.
Lulu also just announced that she'll be singing The Boat That I Row at the Diamond concert. Not sure if there will be other guests (UB40?).
kristin cavallari
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- Question:-Kristin Cavallari??
Where Is The Best Place To Get Pictures Of Kristin Cavallari? Besides PhotoBucker/Google Image/Yahoo Images.
maybe her myspace page?
anyways...I LOVE HER
shes so cool! - Question:-kristin cavallari?
if you see pictures of her hair its like long now because they are like extensions but does anyone know how she makes it look so amazingly pretty when its curled? STEP BY STEP:)
Answer:-i found this:
and this hairstyle is for the 10th picture (the one w/ her wearing a strapless pink/orange top)
for medium thick hair
1. apply a mousse
2. use a large radial brush
3. blow dry the back under
4. then blow dry the sides under
5. part to the left
6. blow dry bangs forward and to the right
7. use a large curling iron
8. use a curling iron to curl the back
9. then use the curling iron for the front and sides
10. piece the ends using moulding cream
11. apply lacquer
hope you like it! you can also look at the other styles and click on view hairstyle and on the side it says how to do it! - Question:-what is up between Lauren Conrad and Kristin Cavallari?
I just saw speidi's wedding and I have no clue as to why they made such a big deal about Kristin Cavallari can anyone tell me?
Answer:-Back in the old "Laguna Beach" days of Lauren Conrads life...
Lauren Conrad dated Stephen Colletti in High School. Well, it just so happened that Stephen was also dating Kristin.
When Lauren found out about this she made Stephen choose between the two of them and he chose Kristin. Thus making Lauren not like Kristin for stealing her boyfriend.
And then Lauren having to be in the same room with Kristin was probably very uncomfortable for everyone. Especially since Heidi and Holly were the only ones to know that she was invited.
There is also the whole thing of Kristin taking over Laurens spot on the Hills. =[
It won't be the same without Lauren.
[I think the weirdest part of the wedding was that Stacy came...If only Heidi had seen here there...What kind of drama would have unfolded.?] - Question:-What kind of phone does Kristin Cavallari have?
What kind of phone does Kristin Cavallari have?
Answer:-what kind of question is this,idk,maybe an i phone or lg. - Question:-How To Get a Body Like Kristin Cavallari?
I'm 14 and i'm not an average weight for my age. I want a body like Kristin Cavallari, what excercises? diets? etc.
Answer:-Since you're 14, you're bodies going to be changing a lot. And you really shouldn't be dieting/cutting calories. But I doubt your mind will change, so I will suggest:
1. Try not to eat to much sugar, white flour, white rice, etc. Eat things with lots of colour. If the label on the package lists sugar as one of the first ingredients, try not to eat too much of it.
2. Lots of fruits and veggies. Keep up your proteins (chicken is a good, healthy source.)
3. Cardio workouts are great. Running, biking, etc. anything that gets you active and gets your heart rate up!
4. If you want a bit of toning, try sit-ups/crunches.
And don't worry if you gain weight at first, muscle weighs more than fat. Plus, I'll say it again, you're 14, so you're body is still changing drastically on it's own. For now, just try to focus on staying active and eating healthy! - Question:-How much do you think Kristin Cavallari weighs?
Yea, I know it is none of my business...but I am dying to know because she has a perfect body!
How much do you think she weighs?She is 5' 2". I just want her body and I want to set a goal to lose as much weight as possible to like that. Thank you.
Answer:-I think she looks about 110lb-115lb with around 20% body fat. She has a very athletic physique, so just dropping down to this weight won't necessarily put you as low as 20% body fat unless you do a lot of strength training and eat a high protein diet.
But I agree, she has a fantastic body! - Question:-Who makes the sunglasses Kristin Cavallari wears on Laguna Beach?
I have fallen in love with Kristin's black sunglasses with the square lens frame. Only problem is, I don't know who makes them! Does anyone know where I can get them?
Thanks guys!
I found out that D&G makes them but I cannot find them anywhere!
Answer:-I have no idea who makes them. But here's 2 pictures of Kristin with different sunglasses.
Since you mentioned about D&G, maybe you can find it here: http://www.sunglassesuk.com/DG_Sunglasses.asp - Question:-What do you think about Kristin Cavallari joining the hills?
I think it should be interesting with Kristin but im going to miss lauren because she held the show together casey from laguna beach is joining as well what do you think of all this?
Answer:-I think they are just milking that show as much as they can. Why not just give it up now. It was a good show, but now the main character that it was based around has left, why conutine? But, I guess it will still maybe be juicy. I haven't really kept up with the show for a couple of months now, but I'll check it out. - Question:-Is it true that Kristin Cavallari is going to be on the 4th season of The Hills?
It was bad enough that Stephen got to be there (just to hurt LC again) but I heard now that they're going to put Kristin there? Can anyone let me know if they have more info on this?
Answer:-Kristin commented in an issue of People Magazine that she will not appear on the Hills season 4!! - Question:-What Sunglasses is Kristin Cavallari wearing in hills episode "put on a happy face"?
They are black aviator style with a gold logo on the side of the ear piece thing. Its the episode where all the girls go to Miami and its the next morning when she is all tired and such. Please does anyone know!?!?! I must have those sunglasses!
Answer:-Juicy or Gucci
katharine mcphee
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- Question:-Katharine Mcphee?
Does any1 kno if Katharine mcphee will b releasing an album any time soon ???? i really want her to but havnt heard anything yet. x
Answer:-RCA has offically put on their site that her Debut CD will be coming out December 19th. - Question:-katharine mcphee?
how old is katharine mcphee
Answer:-I think that she is about 23...She just had a B-Day she was born March 25, 1984 - Question:-How did Katharine McPhee make her stomach so flat?
Does anybody know how Katharine McPhee get rid of her stomach? Please tell me what kind of workouts she did, according to the truth. I'm only asking about her workouts, so please don't gossip about her, thank you!
Answer:- - Question:-What kind of voice does Katharine McPhee have?
I want to get voice lessons but I don't know what kind of voice instructor to get. I love Katharine McPhee's voice, and although I realize it would be really hard to get her voice, I want to learn to sing in her style.
Any ideas?
Answer:-I think she is a soprano. DO NOT try to sound like her. Everyone has their own vocal style. Make your voice sound like YOU. - Question:-Cash Warren or David Beckham who looks better as a couple with katharine mcphee?
It is for a school project and i need to know who looks better with katharine mcphee.
Answer:-Katherine McPhee is married. So are Cash Warren and David Beckham. And this sounds like a lame project, trying to hook up Katherine McPhee with other celebrities. - Question:-What did Katharine McPhee Sing on CSI NY Tonight?
I was watching CSI NY tonight and at the very end Katharine McPhee was guest staring and she sang at the end of the show. Does anyone know what the song was?
Answer:-Katharine sang - "It Won't Hurt So Much"
http://www.myspace.com/katharinemcphee - Question:-katharine mcPhee?
She's the next superstar?
Answer:-Probably, yes maybe not...who knows* - Question:-Katharine McPhee?
What's up with her and that movie?????
Answer:-A movie?! Say it ain't so! Are we in for another "Kelly Loves Justin"? or whatever that almost-career-killer's title was. Look, if you're a singer....SING. If you're an actor......ACT. Rarely do you get the whole package in one person. I wasn't impressed with Katherine McPhee beyond her stunning looks. She should go into modeling. Leave acting to the ACTORS.
P.S. The movie is called "Crazy." It's about the life of Hank Garland, a Nashville singer trying to keep his head above water in light of life's little problems. K. McPhee in a movie about the world of singing? What a shocker. - Question:-I have Katharine Mcphee in my bed room right now?
I have Katharine Mcphee in my bed room right now what to you advice me to do with her do I have to do the normal sex or the celebrity have their owen type of sex
please answer quick.
Answer:-unroll the poster until it's smooth & tack it to the wall with clear tape, then go about your bizness facing slightly to the side of the poster. - Question:-Would katharine mcphee and david beckham look good together as a couple?
if not say someone you think would look good with them?
Answer:-katherine mcphee would look good standing next to ANYONE.
occupy la
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- Question:-What is the occupy la movement for?
Why did this movement begin and why did it begin for? what is the reason for this? can you help me ? tnks
Answer:- - Question:-what is the reason for occupy la?
whats the reason for the protest? what is the 99%? what are the people fighting for?
Answer:- - Question:-what are the occupy protests about in LA?
going on right now in Los Angeles
dude LA has some tough crowds...they can make a point if they want to, but not this time...there aren't enough people.
Answer:-Graduating college but being $60,000 in debt. - Question:-Occupy LA schedule is needed?
I want to observe and just maybe participate in downtown L.A occupy wall street protest, but i don't know how to find out about their schedule. Is there any website indicating their daily schedule including time and place?
Answer:- - Question:-Can someone explain what occupy LA is?
Answer:- - Question:-Why dont the occupy la ppl leve if the lapd is asking them politely? occupy la claims there peacefull but arnt?
Answer:- - Question:-Why do people have their kids at the Occupy camp site?
im watching live on the news fox 11 live from Occupy LA and this lady in the background is dancing with her daughter playing ring around the rose-e.
and the deadline for them to leave is Midnight and the police will move in soon.
do they not care about their kids getting pepper sprayed or walked over?
Answer:- - Question:-What does Occupy LA on Glenn Beck have in common?
About two weeks ago the Occupy LA facebook page was touting the virtues of buying and holding gold kinda like Glenn Beck does :) I wonder if 'occupy' realizes they are in league with Beck.
Oh the irony :)
Answer:-LOL. More proof that they are not only Liberal, but just nuts. - Question:-What is Occupy LA?????
(Los angeles)
i don't want any biased details...i have an idea about what it is i just want a clearer picture
Answer:- - Question:-Occupy where ever, How come your inundated with Criminals.?
Occupy Boston, Heroin and Crack and Rape issues,
Occupy NYC Heroin, Rape, Robbery.
Occupy Oakland. List to long to deal with,
Occupy LA. Gang infiltration Latin Kings, Acorn
All in the name of the first amendment,
Let me see the ciminals know why they are there, To bad the sheep protesters don't.
23 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba
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Sunnies: Old Navy; Top: Forever 21; Dress (worn as skirt): H&M; Belt: Thrifted; Purse: Fossil (Macy's); Flip flops: Old Navy; Bracelets: Forever 21, In Pink
Guess what, guys: I'm done with my first year of law school! From what I hear, the worst is now behind me. I celebrated yesterday with some nachos & margaritas, and I plan to continue the celebration over the next few days by relaxing, having some fun, and finally catching up on my blogging. Thank you all for putting up with my incessant whining & complaining these past few weeks (or this whole year, really). I promise, I'll be much better from now on!
Sunnies: Old Navy; Top: Forever 21; Dress (worn as skirt): H&M; Belt: Thrifted; Purse: Fossil (Macy's); Flip flops: Old Navy; Bracelets: Forever 21, In Pink
Guess what, guys: I'm done with my first year of law school! From what I hear, the worst is now behind me. I celebrated yesterday with some nachos & margaritas, and I plan to continue the celebration over the next few days by relaxing, having some fun, and finally catching up on my blogging. Thank you all for putting up with my incessant whining & complaining these past few weeks (or this whole year, really). I promise, I'll be much better from now on!
Sweet Potato & Spinach Pasta
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Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods, and I love finding new ways to incorporate them into meals. I tweaked this recipe from Kalyn's Kitchen a little bit and the result was delicious!
Here's what you'll need:
2 medium-sized sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes
Extra-virgin olive oil
2-3 oz. spinach
1 box pasta of your choice
1 T balsamic vinegar
2/3 cup coarsely-grated Parmesan cheese
Here's what you'll do:
1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil for the pasta. While the pasta cooks, peel sweet potatoes and cut them into 1 inch pieces. Heat 1 T olive oil in a large, heavy frying pan and begin to saute the sweet potatoes over medium heat, stirring occasionally so they don't burn.
2. When sweet potatoes are soft and cooked through (about 10 minutes), turn heat to low and add another 1 tsp. of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Saute over low heat, stirring often, for a few minutes more, until the sweet potatoes are glazed with the vinegar.
3. Place spinach in the bottom of the colander where you're going to drain the pasta. When pasta is done, scoop out 1/2 cup pasta cooking water. Then pour the hot pasta over the spinach.
4. Add the pasta and spinach to the pan with the sweet potatoes, and stir to combine. Add the reserved pasta cooking water and stir gently again. Then add most of the Parmesan cheese and stir again.
5. Serve hot, with the reserved Parmesan cheese to sprinkle over each serving at the table.
Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods, and I love finding new ways to incorporate them into meals. I tweaked this recipe from Kalyn's Kitchen a little bit and the result was delicious!
Here's what you'll need:
2 medium-sized sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes
Extra-virgin olive oil
2-3 oz. spinach
1 box pasta of your choice
1 T balsamic vinegar
2/3 cup coarsely-grated Parmesan cheese
Here's what you'll do:
1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil for the pasta. While the pasta cooks, peel sweet potatoes and cut them into 1 inch pieces. Heat 1 T olive oil in a large, heavy frying pan and begin to saute the sweet potatoes over medium heat, stirring occasionally so they don't burn.
2. When sweet potatoes are soft and cooked through (about 10 minutes), turn heat to low and add another 1 tsp. of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Saute over low heat, stirring often, for a few minutes more, until the sweet potatoes are glazed with the vinegar.
3. Place spinach in the bottom of the colander where you're going to drain the pasta. When pasta is done, scoop out 1/2 cup pasta cooking water. Then pour the hot pasta over the spinach.
4. Add the pasta and spinach to the pan with the sweet potatoes, and stir to combine. Add the reserved pasta cooking water and stir gently again. Then add most of the Parmesan cheese and stir again.
5. Serve hot, with the reserved Parmesan cheese to sprinkle over each serving at the table.
Shipping Out
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Outfit Details: Head Scarf: Thrifted; Sunnies: Ray-Ban (Husband's); Cardigan: Gap; Tank: Gap; Belt: Thrifted; Shorts: Old Navy; Purse: Fossil; Flip Flops: Gap
One of my favorite things about living in Boston is how fun & easy it is to be a tourist in my own city. There's always something to see & do! Last week, we toured the USS Constitution & USS Cassin Young, which are docked in Charlestown. It was a fun - and free! - way to spend an afternoon outside & enjoy the amazing spring weather we've been having.

Outfit Details: Head Scarf: Thrifted; Sunnies: Ray-Ban (Husband's); Cardigan: Gap; Tank: Gap; Belt: Thrifted; Shorts: Old Navy; Purse: Fossil; Flip Flops: Gap
One of my favorite things about living in Boston is how fun & easy it is to be a tourist in my own city. There's always something to see & do! Last week, we toured the USS Constitution & USS Cassin Young, which are docked in Charlestown. It was a fun - and free! - way to spend an afternoon outside & enjoy the amazing spring weather we've been having.
All Tied Up
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Outfit Details: Sunnies: Jessica Simpson (Macy's); Blouse: Old Navy; Purse: Charlotte Russe; Bracelets: In Pink, American Eagle, American Living; Shorts: Urban Outfitters; Flip Flops: Gap
A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I'd recently ordered a bunch of blouses from Old Navy; the grey blouse I'm wearing here is one of them. I'm a little bit in love. It's light & flowy - perfect to wear on its own during the day or layered under a light sweater during cool spring nights. Oh, and how cute is the tie detail?!
Outfit Details: Sunnies: Jessica Simpson (Macy's); Blouse: Old Navy; Purse: Charlotte Russe; Bracelets: In Pink, American Eagle, American Living; Shorts: Urban Outfitters; Flip Flops: Gap
A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I'd recently ordered a bunch of blouses from Old Navy; the grey blouse I'm wearing here is one of them. I'm a little bit in love. It's light & flowy - perfect to wear on its own during the day or layered under a light sweater during cool spring nights. Oh, and how cute is the tie detail?!
To contact us Click HERE

Outfit Details: Headscarf: Thrifted; Dress: American Eagle; Purse: Vintage Dooney & Bourke (thrifted); Flip-flops: Gap; Sunnies: Old Navy
A couple of weeks ago, I heard about Somerville's PorchFest & immediately wanted to go. It's a cool concept: musical acts perform on neighborhood porches & entertain passersby. In reality, though, the whole thing was a bit disorganized, and the maps provided online weren't of much help in discerning where each band was playing. We ended up seeing only a few bands before calling it quits & finding something else to do.

But the day certainly wasn't a total wash: we finally tried Kickass Cupcakes! I chose a Lucky Lemon cupcake, while B chose Red Velvet. I was most impressed, though, which the fact that they sell kitty cupcakes! Eek! Of course I bought one, and my furballs devoured it.

Outfit Details: Headscarf: Thrifted; Dress: American Eagle; Purse: Vintage Dooney & Bourke (thrifted); Flip-flops: Gap; Sunnies: Old Navy
A couple of weeks ago, I heard about Somerville's PorchFest & immediately wanted to go. It's a cool concept: musical acts perform on neighborhood porches & entertain passersby. In reality, though, the whole thing was a bit disorganized, and the maps provided online weren't of much help in discerning where each band was playing. We ended up seeing only a few bands before calling it quits & finding something else to do.
But the day certainly wasn't a total wash: we finally tried Kickass Cupcakes! I chose a Lucky Lemon cupcake, while B chose Red Velvet. I was most impressed, though, which the fact that they sell kitty cupcakes! Eek! Of course I bought one, and my furballs devoured it.
17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe
chris paul
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- Question:-chris paul ?
chris paul is not this basketball god people make him out to be... why do the announcers glorify him the way they do ?? he is an average point guard who runs simple pick and rolls for all of his points and assists... that doesnt take talent ???
Answer:-is stealing the ball, throwing perfect passes for an assist, and leading a young team against the defending champs an easy thing to do? if it does then why are there few people who average double figures in assists?
he may look like he doesn't have talent for you, but certainly he has the heart and passion to play ball and inspire every person in the hornets team. talent is not everything in basketball. - Question:-Chris Paul?
Will Chris Paul be a legend like Magic Johnson?
or will he have just good stats with no rings like Steve Nash?
Answer:-Chris Paul will be a great player, i don't know about a hall of fame career like Magic Johnson. Because Magic is one of a kind. But if you're comparison is with Steve Nash, I think he can have a better career than him. Paul combines efficient playmaking and scoring and i would not be surprised if he would have an MVP and a championship ring when his career is over. For the record he would not just have good stats but great stats. - Question:-What are your thoughts on Chris Paul over the last five games? Paul 31% shooting Hornets 1 win and 4 loses?
In the last 5 games, Chris Paul has made just 17 of his last 54 shots.
The Hornets are 1-4 in their last 5 games.
BQ: What is wrong with Chris Paul this season?
Answer:-He's just struggling (same as to every NBA player, they go through this as well), plus not having the big guy down the block (Okafor) right now, means he's forcing more shots now (Ariza has been non-existent this season). because of less passing options, apart from David West - Question:-Did Chris Paul break the consecutive steals record, and is he continuing on set a new one today?
I just wanted to know if Chris Paul is still setting a record for consecutive games with at least one steal. Lat I remember he was tied with Alvin Robertson for 105 consecutive games with a steal.
Answer:-Paul broke the record on Dec 17 in a game against the Spurs. The streak came to an end a week later, in a Christmas day loss to the Magic. - Question:-Would Chris Paul start over Derek Fisher if he got traded to the Lakers?
I have a friend who insists that Chris Paul WOULD NOT start over D Fish. He was completely serious.
Do you think he would start over D Fisher on the Lakers?
Answer:-Your friend is an idiot. - Question:-How will you Building around Howard, and chris paul on the orlando magic?
How will you Building around Howard, and chris paul on the orlando magic?
how will you bulding a starting line up around Dwight Howard and chris paul on the orlando magic?
what nba play would you put around Dwight Howard, and chris paul on the orlando magic?
Answer:-just get them the ball :) - Question:-Will Chris Paul at the end of his career, go down as the best complete point guard of all time?
I mean this kid is absolutely incredible. Yes, we've seen many great point guards througout the years, but I honestly haven't seen anything like Chris Paul. I think his game models after Magic Johnson. Just the ability to score and make others better. So will he go down as the greatest complete point guard of time?
Answer:-Well, at this rate who knows. It's all about the era the players were in. I mean, would Wilt Chamberlain average 50 ppg in the 80's or now? No. But I do think CP3 definetely has a chance. - Question:-Why didnt as much people got mad at Chris Paul or Carmello Anthony as they did Lebron?
Even though Lebron, Bosh, Wade all joined the same team. There is no definite proof that before the summer they planned this. However, speculation is that Chris Paul and Carmello Anthony plan to plan on the same team. However, the same people who has criticized Lebron even though he play out his contract has not criticized Chris Paul and Carmello Anthony.
Answer:-because lebron all ready had more haters - Question:-What do you think about this trade that would send Chris Paul to the Cleveland Cavs?
It would be a sign and trade....
Cleveland would get Chris Paul.
New Orleans would get Anderson Varejeo, Delante West, and a floating basketball court to use the next time the city floods and people are too dumb to get out.
Answer:-If this trade happend what I dout that it would then I would say that Cleveland has the best chance to win the title with a dominate big man in Shaq one of the best player's in the nba with Lebron and then the one of the best point gaurdes in the nba in Chris Paul. - Question:-What are the chances of knicks getting chris paul?
What are the chances of knicks getting chris paul?
Answer:-not good .they would need to free up money for that boy.
chester mcglockton
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- Question:-Who's your all time least favorite player on your favorite team?
Chester McGlockton. His bad attitude and poor work ethic ruined the Raiders solid defense. The kicker was in 98 during the Raider Chief game in KC where we got shut-out. Hes over on the sidelines chatting it up with Schottenheimer! He went to the Chefs next year and the Chefs declne was on.
Answer:-Im a Giant Fan, there are a bunch of guys who didnt live up to where they were selected in the draft.. Eric Dorsey, Howard Cross, Tyrone Wheatley, Cedric Jones (The one eyed pass rusher from U of Oklahoma*sigh*), William Joseph... there have been too many to simply point at one...
but if i HAD to say one, i go with Tyrone Wheatley... Have never seen a back with that size and speed that was as freegin soft a runner as wheatley was in NY.
Fitness Friday - #HBBC Week #7 - Final Week!
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Before you say anything, or think you might have missed something, yes, yes I did post twice in a day!! I had to get in my Fitness Friday post of course (at least now that I have made it public that I will be writing them!)
Well we made it! The holidays have come and gone, 2011 has been reviewed and filed away, and the final day of the HBBC, that Amanda so generously hosted, is today! I have had a pretty decent week of training to load into my final week's points, and I will miss having the accountability of this challenge, for not only workouts, but for stretching and getting in at least 7 fruits and veggies! Before I say good bye to this great challenge, I will leave you with my final week recap:
Saturday (New Years Eve):
So this final week of the HBBC wasn't my highest week (I slacked a little bit more than usual on the F&V's because we were trying to not grocery shop and that related to running out of fresh produce...woops! I did however get in some decent mileage and some more stretching/foam rolling than usual! There is an 8 miler on the books for tomorrow - to round the week off at 22ish miles (my training week starts on Sunday)
So that wraps it up for the final week of HBBC!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------How did you do, did you participate?
I remained middle of the pack, but that is ok with me - I got in balanced workout, family and friend time, as well as maintaining at least 7 fruits and veggies the majority of the days!
Are you a fan or do you think you would pass next year?
I will definitely participate next year if it is going on and I am still around :)
Well we made it! The holidays have come and gone, 2011 has been reviewed and filed away, and the final day of the HBBC, that Amanda so generously hosted, is today! I have had a pretty decent week of training to load into my final week's points, and I will miss having the accountability of this challenge, for not only workouts, but for stretching and getting in at least 7 fruits and veggies! Before I say good bye to this great challenge, I will leave you with my final week recap:
Thanks Amanda! |
- Ran 7.3 miles (7.3 pts)
- F&V = 1 pt
- Rest Day
- Ran 7.75 miles (7.75 pts)
- Stretched: 20 minutes (1 pt)
- 0.55 miles run (0.55 pts)
- 20 minutes stretching (1 pt)
- 50-minute boot-camp (5 pts)
- F & V = 1 pt
- 5.6 miles run (5.6 pts)
- elliptical 15 min (1 pt)
- stair climber 5 min (no pts)
- F & V = 1 pt.
- 50 min. spin class (5 pts)
- 10 minutes stretching (0.5 pt)
- 0.8 miles walked (0.8 pts)
- Rest Day (not feeling too hot) - might get in a walk or strength later - will update if I do.
- F & V = 1 pt.
So this final week of the HBBC wasn't my highest week (I slacked a little bit more than usual on the F&V's because we were trying to not grocery shop and that related to running out of fresh produce...woops! I did however get in some decent mileage and some more stretching/foam rolling than usual! There is an 8 miler on the books for tomorrow - to round the week off at 22ish miles (my training week starts on Sunday)
So that wraps it up for the final week of HBBC!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------How did you do, did you participate?
I remained middle of the pack, but that is ok with me - I got in balanced workout, family and friend time, as well as maintaining at least 7 fruits and veggies the majority of the days!
Are you a fan or do you think you would pass next year?
I will definitely participate next year if it is going on and I am still around :)
No Sweat Review: I Know You Like to Think Your Shhh Don't Stank...
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So a couple of months ago, I won a pretty smelly awesome giveaway from Miss Katy, Fit In Heels - ok, the giveaway wasn't smelly, I was, and the giveaway was a means to cure the workout stank from my gym/yoga/running clothes. NoSweat laundry detergent to the rescue!!
Well in the process of getting hooked up with my winnings, I got into a conversation with Shawna from NoSweat, and was offered the opportunity to be one of the NoSweat amabassadors (apparantly she could smell me all the way from Toronto!). After reading a bit more about the product and the company, I graciously accepted, sending my schweaty workout tips and tricks to her for my profile (if you are feeling particularly curious, you can check out my profile HERE).

I couldn't wait to try out my first load of dirty clothes with some NoSweat thrown in, as I have a few pieces from LuLuLemon that are supposed to have the "anti-stink" properties in their fabric, but they still had a slight tinge of sweat from multiple runs, spin classes, and hot yoga sessions.
I mixed a tiny bit of my normal detergent with about 1.5 oz. NoSweat (it is recommended that for normal loads of workout gear and everyday clothes, you should use 2 oz. NoSweat and for heavily soiled clothes use 1 oz. NoSweat mixed with normal detergent), and my clothes came out bright and odorless, I was happy, so I did another load with the recommended 2 oz. - and again bright and stank-free - sold! I honestly think that smell-wise, the recommended 2 oz. NoSweat alone works better than mixing the partial NoSweat and your other detergent.
The site offers a few good laundry tips for washing workout clothes and keeping then as effective, bright, and pill-free as possible. I know sometimes it is hard to decide whether or not to dry workout gear, will it be soft enough with air dry, will it ruin the gear with the dryer? I thought they were pretty helpful, especially for those new to working out and new to working out in tech-gear/spandex/etc...
**I was given this product free of charge from NoSweat, but all opinions and reflections are my own entirely.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do you use any type of detergent specific to sports and activities?
I have heard of Tide's detergent with fabreze sport - but I have never tried it myself
Do you need to use the "free" (no scent) detergents?
My mom used to buy them for my clothes because I tend to get a lot of environmental allergies, but now I just buy what's cheapest at Costco :) I am really excited to get back into some "free" clothes washing with NoSweat!
Well in the process of getting hooked up with my winnings, I got into a conversation with Shawna from NoSweat, and was offered the opportunity to be one of the NoSweat amabassadors (apparantly she could smell me all the way from Toronto!). After reading a bit more about the product and the company, I graciously accepted, sending my schweaty workout tips and tricks to her for my profile (if you are feeling particularly curious, you can check out my profile HERE).
I couldn't wait to try out my first load of dirty clothes with some NoSweat thrown in, as I have a few pieces from LuLuLemon that are supposed to have the "anti-stink" properties in their fabric, but they still had a slight tinge of sweat from multiple runs, spin classes, and hot yoga sessions.
![]() |
Hers |
His |
Useful Laundry Tips1. No Sweat works equally well on its own or as a laundry deter-gent booster to eliminate embedded sweat and deodorize all your clothes. For very dirty or muddy clothes, it is best to use No Sweat in addition to your regular deter-gent.
2. Wash your gear on cold and air dry. It’s good for your clothes and good for the environment.
3. Use No Sweat on it’s own to treat gear as gently as possible.
4. Gear pills as it rubs other laundry in the washing and drying cycles. To prevent pilling, throw your gear in a lingerie wash bag then add it to the rest of your laundry
5. For best results with pit stains or ring-around-the-collar, apply No Sweat directly to stains and let the product soak before washing.Yes, that is correct, NoSweat is also a big help in taking out stains, such as those yellowing armpits of your favorite workout T's and tanks - and some of the testimonials even mentioned it being great for oil and other types of stains encountered in day to day activities!
- Highly concentrated, so you only need a little bit per load (up to 2 oz.)
- Comes in natural and citrus scents, so nothing to powerful to distract you or make you nauseous while working out
- Works to keep clothes odor-free
- Affordable - $0.23 a use (for the bulk 4 x 2.95L case - 375 uses)
- Availability: It is available online, but only in bulk (4 bottles/case) - you can get single bottles on amazon and in select yoga studios/gyms/bike shops/running shops/etc... - but the bulk deal is the best option financially.
**I was given this product free of charge from NoSweat, but all opinions and reflections are my own entirely.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do you use any type of detergent specific to sports and activities?
I have heard of Tide's detergent with fabreze sport - but I have never tried it myself
Do you need to use the "free" (no scent) detergents?
My mom used to buy them for my clothes because I tend to get a lot of environmental allergies, but now I just buy what's cheapest at Costco :) I am really excited to get back into some "free" clothes washing with NoSweat!
Just Can't Get Enough...
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of delicious National xx Days...just when I thought it couldn't get any better than a surprise National Pie Day, I found out it was followed up by National Peanut Butter Day today!!! That's right, Monday = pie, Tuesday = pb, this week = amazingness!
Well not total amazingness, as I started my day today by locking myself out of the apartment, I drive to work people - kind of tough when your car key is attached to your house key, and both of those are sitting on the kitchen table, while you are outside in the cold on the other side of the big, locked, intimidating door - who does that?! I wish I could say this was a one time fluke, but alas, this happened back in the fall as well - I am just slightly absentminded when I leave the house in the morning (which is why I usually pack my gym bag and work bag - with a bonus if I actually put my keys in one of those - the night before). Among making bfast (which did in fact include a hefty scoop of peanut butter!), putting away some dishes from the drying rack and putting my pie, made in honor of National Pie Day last night, in a safe carrying bag - I forget to grab the keys on my way out the door...innocent mistake, yes....stressful/unexpected/not really needed morning, yes. I had to take a bus, to the red T, to the orange T, to the blue T to get my roommates key from her, (following?) then in order to avoid that again, I walked the 0.67 miles or so to the red T and then took a bus home - oh, and then I got in the house, grabbed my keys and headed out (in my car) to work - seriously?!
Anywho....onto happier thoughts....like...
How did I celebrate National Pie Day?! Well I had a challenge thrown into my pie baking, because there is no Tripp home this week to eat the leftovers (and although I like pie, I don't think my stomach enjoys an entire one in there in only a day or two) I decided to bake something for a running/dinner/TV show watching date I have tonight - only one caveat - the host, my friend Jessie is on a "no baked goods" challenge for the month of January, and if she makes it another 8 days or so, she gets to buy herself a soda-stream. Because I don't want to be the one to crush her hopes and dreams, I concocted a "pie" that is all natural, vegan, high protein and "no bake" that I believe fits the bill. Please let me know if you don't think this would pass - and you can't go by looks alone, because it definitely doesn't look all natural, vegan, and healthy!
I give you my Nutty Crusted Fruit Pie Tart, inspired by a few different recipes over at Vegetarian.about.com
"Crust" Ingredients:
There are no added sugars (just whatever occurs naturally in the fruit and w/e is in the pineapple juice) and there was no baking involved (just heating up of pineapple, juice and cornstarch and refrigeration of pie to solidify the crust and "glaze")

So what do you think, does it fit the "no baked goods" bill and is OK to serve tonight?
I am a little anxious to see how it actually cuts and serves to be honest! The crust is a little sticky/wet, but usually holds up pretty well as long as it has been in a fridge and is cold.
Did you, or are you going to, enjoy some PB today? There are some huge benefits to PB, especially for athletes, Run w/ Jess has a great post all about it, including a smoothie recipe!
Well not total amazingness, as I started my day today by locking myself out of the apartment, I drive to work people - kind of tough when your car key is attached to your house key, and both of those are sitting on the kitchen table, while you are outside in the cold on the other side of the big, locked, intimidating door - who does that?! I wish I could say this was a one time fluke, but alas, this happened back in the fall as well - I am just slightly absentminded when I leave the house in the morning (which is why I usually pack my gym bag and work bag - with a bonus if I actually put my keys in one of those - the night before). Among making bfast (which did in fact include a hefty scoop of peanut butter!), putting away some dishes from the drying rack and putting my pie, made in honor of National Pie Day last night, in a safe carrying bag - I forget to grab the keys on my way out the door...innocent mistake, yes....stressful/unexpected/not really needed morning, yes. I had to take a bus, to the red T, to the orange T, to the blue T to get my roommates key from her, (following?) then in order to avoid that again, I walked the 0.67 miles or so to the red T and then took a bus home - oh, and then I got in the house, grabbed my keys and headed out (in my car) to work - seriously?!
Anywho....onto happier thoughts....like...
How did I celebrate National Pie Day?! Well I had a challenge thrown into my pie baking, because there is no Tripp home this week to eat the leftovers (and although I like pie, I don't think my stomach enjoys an entire one in there in only a day or two) I decided to bake something for a running/dinner/TV show watching date I have tonight - only one caveat - the host, my friend Jessie is on a "no baked goods" challenge for the month of January, and if she makes it another 8 days or so, she gets to buy herself a soda-stream. Because I don't want to be the one to crush her hopes and dreams, I concocted a "pie" that is all natural, vegan, high protein and "no bake" that I believe fits the bill. Please let me know if you don't think this would pass - and you can't go by looks alone, because it definitely doesn't look all natural, vegan, and healthy!
I give you my Nutty Crusted Fruit Pie Tart, inspired by a few different recipes over at Vegetarian.about.com
![]() |
Not exactly the most gorgeous fruit tart pie I have ever seen, but from the tasters I snagged, it is pretty tasty! |
- dates
- walnuts
- slivered almonds
- vanilla whey protein powder
- fresh blueberries, strawberries, kiwi
- fresh pineapple
- DOLE pineapple juice
- corn starch
There are no added sugars (just whatever occurs naturally in the fruit and w/e is in the pineapple juice) and there was no baking involved (just heating up of pineapple, juice and cornstarch and refrigeration of pie to solidify the crust and "glaze")

So what do you think, does it fit the "no baked goods" bill and is OK to serve tonight?
I am a little anxious to see how it actually cuts and serves to be honest! The crust is a little sticky/wet, but usually holds up pretty well as long as it has been in a fridge and is cold.
Did you, or are you going to, enjoy some PB today? There are some huge benefits to PB, especially for athletes, Run w/ Jess has a great post all about it, including a smoothie recipe!
13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar
Study Sessh
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Outfit Details: Head scarf: Thrifted; Sunnies: Old Navy; Blouse: Old Navy; Belt: Old Navy; Pants: Urban Outfitters; Shoes: Thrifted
I'm sure you're all growing sick of my posts that say, "Here's what I wore while I studied," but that's really all I do these days. A couple of days ago, when it was actually warm & sunny, I took my study game outdoors to Larz Anderson Park. Despite the miserableness of studying Constitutional Law, it managed to be a relatively enjoyable day.

Outfit Details: Head scarf: Thrifted; Sunnies: Old Navy; Blouse: Old Navy; Belt: Old Navy; Pants: Urban Outfitters; Shoes: Thrifted
I'm sure you're all growing sick of my posts that say, "Here's what I wore while I studied," but that's really all I do these days. A couple of days ago, when it was actually warm & sunny, I took my study game outdoors to Larz Anderson Park. Despite the miserableness of studying Constitutional Law, it managed to be a relatively enjoyable day.
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