I guess we can stop the countdown finally…or we can start with hours and than down to minutes? That could be fun….
It has been 4 weeks since the 2012 Boston Experience, where my teammates and I battled the harshest elements Boston could have throw at us since 1976. And we did it because of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. We all have our own stories and reasons why we continued to challenge our physical beings to create awareness and raise funds for Dana Farber.I personally do it because it is un selfish. I know that I will never see the effects, or at least I hope I don’t, of the monies raised toward the Claudia Adams Barr program. Well since Marathon Monday we have raised $2,000!!! Awesome!
My journey to raise awareness is not done yet for 2012. I have a personal goal of $8,000. And hopefully with the physical sacrifice I am going to put myself through this weekend, you will dig deep and find more of a reason to contribute to Mission Posssible: A World Without Cancer. www.JohnnyMarathon.com
A little video I found somewhat fitting….http://youtu.be/45mMioJ5szc
And now your song….GREAT Song!!!!!http://youtu.be/z7mzEbP0CS8
Since Sunday I have been on a cloud. I was bouncing off my apartment walls well into the night Sunday. This week is finally here! IRONMAN week!!! Holy shit this is actually happening. On Saturday I am going to swim 2.4 miles, cycle 112 miles, and than run a full 26.2 marathon. All in Texas in 88 degree weather, with a UV of 11, and I am sure some really soupy humidity. Why? To hopefully show you what I am willing to sacrifice to raise awareness for Dana Farber. I have a physical ability to push my body to certain limits, exceed those limits, and excel. And using these abilities, Dana Farber has and will continue to benefit.
I am stoked; I am scared, I am calculating, I am excited!!!! My main concern is the heat and nutrition on the bike. I am going to be out there for, hopefully, around 12 hours. This is going to be awesome. I wish I were better at putting thoughts into words. Your encouragement, support, and concern have been awesome. And many of you have showed that with inspiration, faith and donations.Thank You! Thank you my Support Team.
My flight is 7am tomorrow, same flight with Big John and Betty. Tomorrow I figure will be just registration and expo stuff. There is a “program” and dinner at night with a mandatory athlete meeting. Friday there is an open water swim in am. It is the only time we are allowed in the water so I better take advantage of it. Than relax until the Rangers Astros game Friday night. And than 7am Saturday May 19th…my quest begins.
I will keep you all updated via Google+ and facebook, so please check all weekend and expect what may be the last JohnnyMarathon for 2012 email early next week.
Thank you and pray for me.And as always, please help my teammates and I battle Mission Possible: A World Without Cancer.And good luck to my sister who will be doing the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Boston on Saturday.
www.JohnnyMarathon.comIn case you didn’t know…..
WOW this is AWESOME!!!!!Enjoy the song!
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